Lief lijf

Design, logo, colors and texts were provided by designer Wim Alliet.
Strijk mei niet

Design, logo, colors and texts were provided by designer Wim Alliet.

Logo, colors and texts were provided by Maaike Behaegel.
Banner generator
Proof of concept to write (stand) numbers on a template photo. The user enters a number that is written on a downloadable photo.
Studio Lagom

Design, logo, colors and texts were provided by designer Wim Alliet.
HLN+ Remover

I made an browser extension that doesn't show HLN+ articles on the HLN website
Second Home Services

Design is my own. Logo and colors were provided, texts obtained from a copywriter.
Spotify seeding data
Application that generates Entity Framework Core seeding data for your C# application based on Spotify artists.

The design is by Tom De Neve and based on the colors and logo provided by the customer.
Banden Deboosere

The design is my own and based on the colors and logo provided by the customer.
CVP Vloerwerken

The design is my own and based on the colors and logo provided by the customer.
Less Is Lottie

Design, logo, colors and texts were provided by designer Wim Alliet.

The design is by Tom De Neve and based on the colors and logo provided by the customer. With administration backend.